So for the last couple of days I have been stressed to the MAX trying to find a place to live in Nashville AND a roommate all in basically 10days! LONNGGG story...actually I think that's what I was going to blog about! Anywho so yea I've been searching and no avail. So today I'm at work and I thought to myself "I've been doing all of this and putting all my faith in myself to get things done and not once did I stop to ask God". Now I had certainly thanked Him and praised Him for grad school and everything especially when I thought I had my living situation squared away. But when things went haywire I panicked and began stressing and searching...exhausting myself to say the least. So yea I'm at work at my desk unfortunately doing absolutely NOTHING work related but instead searching and stressing over my living situation. So I bow my head in prayer and I PROMISE you as SOON as I said AMEN my phone goes off with someone looking for a roommate. I couldn't do anything but laugh at myself for taking so long to even ask. He's NEVER let me down and I couldn't believe that I hadn't made Him my first option after all. So yea even now I'll admit I'm still slightly freaking out but truthfully I'm kinda over it...I know that God's got it...I've done my part and I'll continue looking a little but I know that things will work themselves I'm GOOD :) and so is God.
Onto how God got his second laugh off of me today. So I came home from work EXHAUSTED today...partly probably because I haven't been eating the most square of meals as of late and I also haven't been taking my vitamins. So yea I take a nap and then I get up thinking of all the things I needed to do before bed tonight...most of which consisted of readings. So I roll over and feel for my glasses in the usual spot that I toss them when I nap and you guessed it....they're no where to be found. I searched HIGH and LOW for those glasses for an HOUR. I mean I'm looking under the bed thinking Dino (my dog) may have taken them to his hiding spot...I've looked in the bathroom, in the window sill, on the desk, in the laundry basket...yea...random places I lay them at times...don't judge me lol. So I then send out a tweet talking about how it's gonna be a long night since I can't find my glasses and then I REMEMBERED (you like how that's in reference to an earlier post I wrote huh?..yea...go check it out! lol) what He did earlier so once again I bowed my head in prayer. I go upstairs to get my iPod to charge and you guessed it...I found my glasses! LOL. I literally "lol'd" at myself. I'm not going to tell you where they were as it is they were in the most common of places. So I was thinking to myself He probably sits up there laughing at me looking in all these weird places shaking His head saying "All you had to do was ASK".
So there you have it people...that's my simple post today but it speaks volumes. This not only works for housing and glasses but in LIFE. Sometimes all we have to do is ASK Him. It's easy to say that we have faith but when storms come or stress comes our way we tend to put our faith in ourselves or our own resources but I ask you today to begin to ask Him and watch Him move! Be blessed and don't stress love buckets!
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