
Welcome to my blog about...well...my faith and all other things random. Just documenting my journey through life and following God. I initially began blogging about my faith but this PhD is testing my sanity so now I blog about faith and all other things that keep me sane!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My body is a Temple

So lately I've been stuck on this treating my body like a temple thing.  This is God's gift to me and everyday that I wake up I thank Him for my life.  I thank Him that I can breathe on my own and not by a machine, I thank Him for my health, my sight, the ability to walk, my hearing, that I'm in my right mind, etc.  These are things that many of us take for granted or really we simply don't take the time out to even really ever think about them.  But I look at people who can't walk or who were in some type of accident and aren't able to carry out these everyday functions and I thank God for His grace and mercy because that could certainly be me.
At the age of 12 I had surgery on my back because I had scoliosis so I have a metal rod on each side of my spine to keep it aligned correctly since it was curved.  I had to learn to walk again and do things differently after surgery but I definitely gained an appreciation for these things.  I don't take my health for granted or my ability to walk. 
We should begin to take care of our bodies.  Not only by practicing celibacy (for those of you that do...no shade to those who don't God still loves you and so do I!...don't worry there's no condemnation here :) )but on top of that I think that a good way to treat your body as a temple  is really to just take care of yourself by eating healthy and exercising.
Really treat your body like a temple.  Be conscience of the things you eat, exercise, relax.  If we just eat eat eat and allow ourselves to become fat then not only do we introduce the risks associated with health problems but we also open ourselves up to depression and other things.  My old pastor would preach about people getting into shape and taking care of their bodies....especially since a great portion of the congregation was overweight...primarily the Black women.
So for the past couple of weeks I've started back exercising and eating healthy.  I even have my coworkers joining with me and they are exercising and eating healthier!  I'm still working on my mom...eh *shrug*.  But yea ladies and gentlemen what are YOU doing to treat your body like a temple?  I promise you that you'll feel better!  I have more energy now and it just plain old feels GOOD.  I LOVE jogging outside...to see the trees and the clear blue Carolina skies.  It also helps to relieve stress.  If you've been considering getting into shape or anything lately go ahead and start now!  To help you all out I found a great FREE site!  Check out www.caloriecount.about.com  It's really cool!  You can type in the foods you eat each day, the exercise you do each day, and your daily weight.  Actually seeing what you eat each day will help you be a more conscious eater and the numbers will certainly motivate you...trust me!  Anywho  I wish you all the best and I hope you'll join me on this mission to get tight!...literally....I'll post some before and after pictures when I get toned so you guys can see!


So I know I haven't updated this thing in ooooo saaayyy forever but yea!  Let me catch you guys up to speed.  I've been SO BUSY with graduate school applications, work, AND school.  But the good news is that I got into the PhD graduate school at Meharry Medical College!!!!!!  Thank GOD!!!  I was sooooo excited when I got accepted!  I got an email on a Wednesday when I was getting off work and literally went into my own little praise and worship break at my desk...no shame baby no shame!

After what I thought to be a HORRIBLE phone interview with the graduate admissions committee I just knew I would get rejected :(  Everything that could go wrong DID go wrong...a few of the interviewers had accents and they put me on speaker phone and anyone who knows me knows I HATE speaker phone because I can never tell what the heck people are saying!  Add that to an accent...and we have a recipe for disaster...I had to keep asking them to repeat themselves and on TOP of that my cell phone hung up on them in the middle of the interview!!!  I called the number on my phone back and luckily they answered.  I apologized and allowed them to continue to GRILL me!

After I got off the phone I was initially depressed....I called my close friends to tell them how bad I bombed the interview but let me tell you how good God is,,,,literally EVERY one of my friends that I called had a Word for me which definitely lifted me out of my slump.  Speaking of which, if you don't already you DEFINITELY need some friends who know at least a little something about the Word in your corner.  They help hold you accountable and will def hold you down on issues that others simply can't.  Also a great source of encouragement and even confirmation to an extent.  So anywho after talking to them I talked to God.  I was reminded of what He said and I had to let go of the self doubt.  If He said it then I believe it so I just had to believe that despite the fact that I think I had the world's worst phone interview I would get in...and I did.  GRATEFUL is an understatement!  So anywho I'm excited still and I've been busy trying to find a place to live in Nashville...which under normal circumstances would probably be a simple task but I have a pitbull and most apt complexes will certainly not allow that.  So I decided today to hire a free apartment selector...hopefully they will email me a list of options and I'll just take a leap of faith and choose one.
Truthfully at this point in my life I don't think I want a roommate.  Only because I've always had one...all during college and after graduation I moved back in with my grandparents so I would really just like some SPACE...even if it's just to relax nekkie by myself in the living room and play the xbox kinect ...that's fine by me!  Kind of just want to try things on my own.  I've always paid for everything on my own but I mean to really live in my own...no distractions...just myself. 

So that's all I just wanted to update everyone to let you guys know that I have not abandoned you I am simply trying to get things squared away and once that's all in order I'll be back!

God Bless!