1) I signed up for a showcase! whaaaaaat! Yea so those who know me know I have absolutely no talent other than *drum roll please* being completely awesome #LookAtMeNow! Anywho I signed up for the showcase at church b/c I found this AWESOME spoken word video on DD's blog and I LOVED it so much that I decided to perform it! Go me woop woop!...Only thing is auditions are Sat morning at 8am so I only have 2 days to learn and master this thing! Decided I would try new things this year so yea. Anywho I shall keep you guys posted..trust me if I make it into finals you'll know. Yea so auditions are too legit...videotaped and all...if you even make it to the final round (can't believe they even have rounds!)...at least you know that you won't have to sit through people who think they can sing but really can't! This should be entertaining...
2) I have submitted my application to the PhD program in Biomedical Science at Meharry Medical College! Keep me in your prayers guys! I'm EXCITED about this...I've been praying about it for a while now and I'm done praying about it...I believe it I receive and that settles it so I'm letting go and I'm watching God! siiiiiiiiiiggghhhhh ....that just felt good to say!
3)Me and D-Money (self proclaimed nickname of my best friend...lame but you've gotta love this guy) started our Bedside Bible Study Prayer Group last night (yea I made that name up..cool huh?)! woohoo! It was great we went over Tim 4-6...good stuff. I LOVE discussing the Word. I learned so much from what he thought about it and he from what I thought about it. Amazing how God surely sends you confirmation to assure you that you're on the right track! yasssss!
Okay so service last night was great. The sermon was titled "Faithful in the Rain!" Pastor Andy preached from the book of Job and I Corinthians 6. We talked about how people always say they want the wisdom of Solomon, the heart of David, the faith of Abraham etc etc but no one ever asks for the spirit of Job. The truth is that we NEED the spirit of Job. ALL things come from God, both good and bad. Who are we as Christians to only accept the good? It's easy to love and praise God when He is blessing you with someTHING but what about when He is still? "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even 'sinners' love those who love them" Luke 6:32 Surely I praise Him when he is moving in my life but when He is still I continue to do so because I am REMINDED of what He has already done. We praise Him when the sun is shining but what do you do when the rain comes? "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God." Psalm 20:7
Think about this scripture for a second. During a time of war imagine being surrounded by opposing forces and weapons of all types. Instead of fleeing and instead of surrendering or thinking that their own chariots or horses would save them, these people REMEMBERED what God had already done for them and KNEW that he would NEVER leave them nor forsake them. Even while you are going through God is with you.
"35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " ~Luke 6:35-39
Think about this scripture for a second. During a time of war imagine being surrounded by opposing forces and weapons of all types. Instead of fleeing and instead of surrendering or thinking that their own chariots or horses would save them, these people REMEMBERED what God had already done for them and KNEW that he would NEVER leave them nor forsake them. Even while you are going through God is with you.
"35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? 37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " ~Luke 6:35-39
Faith is so much MORE than believing God for someTHING. We need to be able to worship and praise Him despite our circumstances or situations. Weeping may endure for the night or maybe a couple of nights but rest assured that joy cometh in the morning. I praise God because he LOVED me so...He DIED for me, He comforts me and consoles me, He protects and shields me, He saved me...even from myself.. If He NEVER does another thing for me I promise you I will STILL praise Him because He's already done more than enough for me. I REMEMBER what He did for me. Also know that there is ALWAYS a reason for things happening in your life....even when you can't recognize what that reason is. I've wondered about this several times in life and from my own personal experiences it just so happens that maybe years later I'm ministering to someone else about what I've been through. Often times your ministry is developed through your testimony. Someone else finds motivation and help in your testimony and becomes delivered. If God did it for me He will surely do it for you....I truly believe that. So if you haven't already today take a moment out to tell God THANK YOU for all the things that He has already done for you. REMEMBER those things. Show a little love to someone and have a blessed day! Glad I had the opportunity to share this with you guys! Peace Out!
***O and PS I sent up the most beautiful prayer for my unborn Goddaughter and her parents last night! :)